To everything there is a season…


“To everything there is a season…  a time to plant and a time to reap… a time to weep and a time to laugh… a time to mourn and a time to dance.” – Ecclesiastes 3

A time to reap…

“It’s cold outside!” I received that text at 4am this morning when one of my IoT devices detected temperatures in our backyard dropping into the frost zone.  It seemed like a great idea when I built the device, but at 4am, it wasn’t so hilarious.  We did manage to harvest the last tomatoes and peppers from our garden before the cold hit.  Despite the cold, we did enjoy the weather here in Santa Clarita this weekend.  Sunny rain showers with gusty winds visited our neighborhood. The fires are out and the air is clear. We even had a few doses of hail cover our yard like a sparkling winter wonderland.  And just like that, the leaves on the trees in our neighborhood began to change.

A time to laugh…

I know it is only November, but with the nice weather and all that is going on, Saturday felt like Christmas.  I hung the lights and lit a fire in the fireplace.  There was even a rainbow or two that streaked across the sky as if to welcome the new season and bid farewell to a long and emotionally draining week.  Regardless of where you are along the US political spectrum, there was news made and records broken.  Related to that, I fully appreciate the emotion, the exhilaration and the disappointment that some may be feeling right now.  We should recognize that and be kind to one another.

A time to dance…

In other news, Pfizer and Biotech are reporting positive results from their COVID-19 vaccine trials.  That’s encouraging news!  Most of us have family or friends personally impacted by the virus.  We still have a long road back to pre-pandemic “normal” but any progress is cause for celebration.  Speaking of celebrating, I often talk about the need to recognize our accomplishments and wins as a team.  I love seeing the updates and one-off notes that my team sends me so I can celebrate with them.  If you are not doing that, you should!  Reflecting back on this year, it is amazing to see how much we have accomplished despite the challenges the pandemic threw our way.  I am incredibly grateful for my team and the hard work we continue to do to help each other and our company weather this difficult time.

A time to heal…

Even with the good news, we are still facing challenging times.  This is a good time to remember to breathe (and not just because your Apple Watch tells you to).  Take a moment today and let your mind and body heal.  Let go of the tensions that the pandemic, remote work and life pressures bring your way.  Breathe.  Rest.  Renew.  A new season is here… drink it all in and enjoy!

One in 7.5 Billion

Girl on Beach

“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.”

A man was walking along a deserted beach at sunset and saw a young girl in the distance.  The girl kept bending down, picking something up and throwing it into the water. Over and over she kept casting things into the ocean. As he approached, he was able to see that she was picking up starfish that had washed up on the beach.  One at a time, she threw them back into the water. The man asked what she was doing.  She replied, I’m throwing these starfish back into the ocean, or they will die.” The man laughed, “There are thousands on this beach, and many other beaches like this.  You can’t possibly make a difference.  You can’t possibly save them all.”  She smiled, bent down and picked up another starfish and replied as she threw it back into the surf, “I made a difference to that one.”

We have a big family.  I have four kids, a relatively higher than average size family.  But that is nothing compared to the 7.5 billion people in our human family across the world.  With such a huge number of kin, is it any surprise that we sometimes feel insignificant?  How can we possibly make a difference in such a huge ocean of humanity?  With coronavirus, we may feel even more distant and helpless.  Is there anything that we can do that can possibly matter? 

It turns out that we can indeed make a difference.  We don’t need to shift continents or singularly help millions of people.  By helping just one other person, we make a difference.  It can be as simple as a kind word.  Help someone carry their burden, show some compassion, bring some light.  One on one, a donation of time, care, resources or attention can change a person’s life.  If we all make that effort, it becomes even greater.  Collectively we are a formidable force of 7.5 billion points of light that can illuminate and change the world. 

Look for an opportunity to help someone this week.  Be encouraged.  You can make a difference, one person at a time.

Tune In

Antenna of NASA Near Earth Network

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” – George Lucas

It is like static, a quiet noise, a low hum or a faint crackling sound.  That’s how some of us may describe 2020. It feels like someone pushed pause and we are all in time out.  We are caught in the current of the void, the stream of random indistinguishable flutters and rings.  

Back in the 1990’s, my dad decided to get a satellite TV dish.  Forever a can-do and frugal engineer, he signed up for the “self-installation” package.  Naturally, that translated to us being on the roof with a bag of bolts, parts and indecipherable instruction manuals. The kit included a simple compass and directions to mount and orient the dish toward the geosynchronous satellite.  A cable ran from the dish into the house to a receiver hooked to the television.  The setup screen displayed the signal strength with an audio signal that went from a low static hum to a solid high-pitched tone when the dish was correctly oriented.  Getting the dish oriented correctly before cell phones was an hour long comedy skit with my dad monitoring the TV yelling out the status to my sister in the yard who was yelling up to me on the roof.  I made slight adjustments left and right then up and down until we finally had a clear solid tone, indicating success.  We had the dish locked on to the satellite.

Getting a good signal during this pandemic has been difficult.  About the time we adjust to the new rhythm, the timing changes.  Some news we didn’t want to hear arrives.  Projects change to match new business conditions. Pandemic tidal forces ebb and flow.  All the while, we keep working and living life remotely with facemasks and limited interactions to keep everyone safe.  A low hum, a static, a faint noise.

Tune in. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking for a clear signal.  It’s time to focus and lock in.  This past week and this weekend reminded me of how important it is to have solid structure, rhythm, traditions and habits. I’m convinced that those are important geosynchronous targets that we can launch to help orient our days, even during this pandemic.  It could be something as simple as events on the calendar, a checklist of to-dos religiously made and cleared, or a purposeful goal with clear directionality.  

This week, I challenge you to a tune-up.  Examine the structures of your week and life.  Do you need to add some framing?  Give yourself the edifice of a clear target.  Focus on clear steps and proceed forward purposefully.  Yes, these are challenging times, but our focus can shape our reality.  It can help us manage and thrive during difficult times.  Focus, lock in and win! 

Photo: Antenna of NASA’s Near Earth Network at the Alaska Satellite Facility

See Problems

“Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be.” – John Wooden

On June 4, 1942, the Japanese Navy arrived at the island of Midway to battle the United States Navy.  They had twice the number of pilots, planes and firepower.  Clearly with this much difference between these two forces, the Japanese should have won.  But that’s not what happened. In a surprising turn of events that became lore and even feature length movies, the United States won the Battle of Midway and that catastrophic defeat devastated the Japanese Navy.  It led to their inability to wage war in the Pacific for the remainder of the Second World War. 

Dr. Steven Spear from MIT, tells this story and asks the question, “When do you suppose the Japanese lost the Battle of Midway?”  Books have been written on the exact details of each maneuver during the battle to try to determine the exact moment that spelled the loss for Japan.  Prepare for a surprise.  The Battle of Midway was lost in 1929, not 1942.  Over a decade before!  Here’s the deal, by 1929 the Japanese Admiralty had locked in their assumption on how wars would be fought and won on the sea.  Everything was built upon the assumption that the entire fleet of one nation would face the entire fleet of the other head on. That doctrine dictated how they designed their aircraft, their carriers, their procedures and tactics.  They scripted the entire battle plan for Midway and conducted war games to rehearse it.

During the war game they set up a huge table with the layout of the two sides.  The Japanese Admirals sat on one side of the table and brought in junior officers to play the side of the US.  Both sides used sticks to push the wooden ships around the map.  After a few back and forth moves, a referee blew a whistle and accused the junior officer of not playing according to the battle plan.  He was kicked out and another junior officer was recruited.  This officer did the same thing as the former one, he looked down the table, realizing he was significantly outmatched, he too deviated from the battle plan and began to win against the Japanese side.  Once again, he was accused of not understanding the battle plan and dismissed.  This same thing happened until they went through all the junior officers, then petty officers and even brought in noodle vendors off the street.  Each time the US side won and the Japanese Admirals were frustrated that nobody was playing by the battle plan.  Instead of seeing the problem that these exercises were showing, they fixated on pathologically rehearsing their failed plan.  That is how the battle was lost.

The lesson here is powerful.  We often believe we know the best way to solve problems.  We can go to great lengths and details in defining and prescribing the solution.  But if the solution is not tested or we are unwilling to observe and build ways to see problems and learn, we can suffer catastrophic failures similar to the Japanese Admiralty.  We should design and test our systems in such a way that we can clearly detect problems, learn from them and alter course when discovery is made.  Avoiding that is effectively setting a course for failure.

A growth mindset seizes upon unexpected events or failures as golden moments of learning.  I believe this applies to all of life, not just our engineering efforts.  We all make plans, sometimes elaborate plans, and yet how do we react when those plans are thwarted?  Do we dismiss the opponent and try to get back to plan, or do we learn and alter our course?  I know this is a growth area for me.  I often want to push ahead with full force to get something done.  This pandemic has thwarted and change a lot of our plans.  But do we surrender or do we embrace the discovery as new opportunity?  Don’t become discouraged, fatigued or apathetic.  Convert problems into energy and redirect it towards a positive direction.  The secret power of successful businesses, teams and individuals is the ability to quickly learn and adjust to discovery. 

Are you struggling with your own plan failures?  Don’t give up!  Look at those failures as opportunities for learning and adopt the change.  The battle is not lost.  Glean the learning and become better.  You can do this.  Keep learning!

Road Construction Ahead

“We believe that people with passion can change the world for the better… and those people that are crazy enough to think that they CAN change the world, are the ones that actually do.” – Steve Jobs

Road work ahead!  For the past two weeks we have had road construction in our neighborhood.  Like a marching band, the big equipment moved in with all the familiar drumming, scraping, cutting, dumping and rolling sounds.  In the past, I doubt I would have given it much thought as I commuted to and from the train to get to work.  But this time I have the pleasure of soaking it all in.  On our morning walks I get to see it all up close, greeting the workers moving about in some sort of construction choreography, adorned with branded masks and new coronavirus safety rules.  Watching this work, I’m reminded of the incredible value of building and maintaining this vital infrastructure for our society.  Roads, bridges, utilities, vehicles and buildings all create a platform for our communities, country and world to live, connect, conduct business and shape new ideas into reality.  Infrastructure propels us forward. 

I love technology.  Right out of college, my dad convinced me to join his civil engineering firm to help him, as he called it, “computerize the business.”  I didn’t know anything about civil engineering, but leaned into my science background and learned the complexities of land surveying, hydrology, material science, logistics and structural engineering.  I was amazed at the work that was done manually calculating, planning, drawing, erasing and drafting again.  I introduced the staff to AutoCAD and the coordinate geometry tools I had built to help accelerate their work.  But I was about to learn a big lesson in change management. 

“You’re crazy!”  The engineers were adamant that they didn’t want those “darn computers” (and other colorful adjectives) anywhere near their projects.  I couldn’t understand why everyone wouldn’t want to embrace new technology.  Instead of giving up, I pivoted and took on a housing development project myself.  Working with a skeptical but supportive colleague, we loaded all the elevation data to build contour maps and went to work planning streets, utilities, houses and storm systems.  The client loved the initial plans but after a review by the city, a major rework was required to expand the housing lots and add a park.  This is where the magic happened.  In the past, that would have been a start over scenario, but by having the entire project in the computer we only needed to make a few modifications to the model and the entire set of plans were ready to be released for construction.  The skeptics were blown away with the turnaround.  All the initial resistance gave way to aggressive adoption as they all saw how the computer had chewed away the toil, tedium and time to deliver plans. 

Technology amplifies human ability.  We leverage information technology to connect, to accelerate and displace manual steps, to elevate our capabilities and extend our horizon.   As technologists, we have an incredible opportunity to build a better world.  Through our trade, we can construct next generation digital infrastructure, better connect people to people, people to ideas, and ideas to reality. 

Technology builds upon technology.  Prior generations of tools stack to scaffold us up to the next level, which becomes the platform for the next.  Despite the entire world being in time out for COVID-19, people are still working, business is still being conducted, things are still moving forward, because of technology put into place by people like you. 

As technologists, we can make a difference.  Our human family is counting on us to help keep the information roadways maintained and improved.  Our companies are counting on us to use our expertise to power our businesses, to ship value better, faster, safer and happier. 

What crazy ambitious ideas do you have to help change the world?  What can we do to better help each other through technology?  I challenge you this week to give that some thought.  Let’s be some of the crazy ones who want to change the world.  Who knows, we might actually do it!

A Pocket of Curiosity

“I’m just very curious—got to find out what makes things tick… all our people have this curiosity; it keeps us moving forward, exploring, experimenting, opening new doors.” – Walt Disney

Percy Spencer only had a fifth-grade education. His father passed away when he was a toddler and he left school to get a job to support his family when he was only 12. His formal education may have been cut short but that didn’t stop his learning.  He began to experiment with electricity and learning at night, after work.  He became intrigued with wireless radio when he read how it was used to direct the ship Carpathia to rescue the Titanic passengers. He joined the Navy and managed to get ahold of textbooks to teach himself mathematics and science. After his service, he was hired at Raytheon, a newly formed company designing and manufacturing vacuum tubes.  Percy was particularly interested in producing radiation, specifically the use of magnetrons to generate signals used in radar.  That was something the US Government was keen to get for the war efforts.

One day in 1945, Percy showed up at work with a chocolate candy bar hidden in his pocket. While standing in front of the magnetron he was working on, he noticed the candy bar was melting.  He was fascinated by this behavior so he sent out for some unpopped popcorn and put it in front of the magnetron.  When it popped, he knew this small wave radar radiation could be used for cooking. He put the magnetron in a metal box and thus was born the first microwave oven.

Curiosity leads to discovery.  A disadvantage can often lead to a profound benefit.  What makes the difference?  In the case of Percy Spencer, his self-guided education taught him to ask why, to experiment and learn.  An unexpected occurrence, which by all rights could be viewed as an embarrassing disaster by many of us (melted chocolate pocket anyone?) turned into a critical discovery that has brought about an amazing benefit to humanity.  His creative idea was born out of curiosity, observation and action.

This year has been challenging for all of us. The new ways of working and the difficulties before us can be perplexing and discouraging at times.  But don’t give up.  Turn that melted chocolate bar into a discovery.  Ask, what can we learn from this crisis?  What experiment can we conduct to lead us on to discovery?   Are you limiting yourself or your thinking by the echo chamber we can easily find ourselves in?   Don’t.  Try something new this week.  Observe, ask why and then seek to answer it.  I suspect we are all sitting on a goldmine of new discoveries that we have yet to entertain.  Tap your opportunities and explore the unknown to see where it leads.

The next time you heat something up in the microwave remember how a melted candy bar and an inquisitive person handed us that useful invention.

Transforming Hope

"Light in the Darkness" by Julia R. Cox

“You will do something outside yourself, something to repair tears in your community, something to make life a little better for people less fortunate than you. That’s what I think a meaningful life is. One lives not just for oneself, but for one’s community.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Fall begins tomorrow. There are just 66 days until Thanksgiving and 95 days until Christmas!  Can you believe it?  As I thought about it, I felt a sense of joy.  I love the holidays!  I’m looking forward to the festive fall decorations, family gatherings, seasonal food, menorah lighting and Christmas lights.  It is a time when the world turns from its selfish bent to a time of giving and giving thanks.  It is a time of joy and a time of hope.  It is a hope that we as a people can be better, be just and kind, truthful and compassionate, strong and loving, cheerful and optimistic.  It reminds me of a community, a world that “can be”. It is a hope.

Hope.  It is a powerful thing that is often underestimated, undervalued and underused.  Hope powers us to go beyond ourselves, shatter artificial ceilings, endure painful hurdles to reach the finish line and wake up each day renewed to go on.  Hope is transformational fuel.  Fixing our mind on hope literally changes us.  Our outlook, efforts and character are changed when we hope.  The science behind hope is real. Hope causes the brain to release neurochemicals called endorphins and enkephalins. These chemicals allow the brain to overcome barriers, manage pain, accelerate healing and bring happiness.  Hope is nitrous oxide for our brains!  

Do you want to see a change in yourself or the world?  Unleash some hope. But what do you hope for?  Have you thought about it?  By faith we can believe there can be a better tomorrow.  Take a moment today and think about what could be, what should be.  Can you believe it?  If not, there is no hope.  Hope requires faith and step by step perseverance.  It knows the road ahead is challenging but the destination is real. When we believe, we can make a difference. Everything we do can be transformed by hope: our projects, our businesses, our families, our world and ourselves.  Apply your mind to hope.  Plug in and feel the power surge propel you forward.

It’s coming! The future is ahead and tomorrow is one more step towards our dreams.  Take hope!

* Image Note: This painting is “Light in the Darkness” by the incredibly talented Julia R. Cox.

Make a Difference

Aurora see in Wisconsin

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.” ― Fred Rogers

Joan loved science.  When she was 8 years old, she declared to her family that she wanted to be a scientist.  Her mother scolded her, “Women’s brains can’t do science.”  She was crushed and went sobbing into a pillow, wondering if she had to let go of her dream.  On her 14th birthday her brother, Richard, gave her a college textbook titled “Astronomy” which included an impressive chart of scientific data produced by a female astrophysicist.  That was what she needed to encourage her to pursue her career. 

Joan earned her doctorate in physics in 1958 and went on to work at NASA and JPL where she made critical discoveries about the nature and cause of auroras, specifically the interaction of the Earth’s magnetosphere and the magnetic field of the solar wind.  She was recognized and awarded many honors for her contributions to astrophysics, sunspot cycles, environmental hazards to spaceships and climate change.  Before passing away this past July, Joan Feynman had pushed through the barriers of bad advice she had received as a child and went on to make a dent in the universe of human understanding, space travel and our world.  

We are often told what we can and cannot do.  Our families, others and our jobs can intentionally or unintentionally cast us into roles that limit our potential.  I think many of us can relate to bad advice that we have received from others or have given to ourselves.  There is a tendency for us to undervalue our significance or limit our own potential. We are surviving but are we thriving?  We turn the cogs of the machine, but are we living our potential?

You are important.  You make a difference.  The truth is that you individually bring a distinctive value to our human family.  Your individual contribution, diverse traits, history, strengths, challenges, specific talents and nuanced skills fit together into the unique puzzle that is us.  You belong.  Our teams, our organizations and our world would not be the same without you.  That is the incredible truth.  The collection of our uniqueness builds the fabric of who we are as individuals and as a group.  When someone leaves, we become less. 

What are you doing to challenge the barriers you or others have placed upon you?  What would you change?  Are you hiding any of your talents or distinctives that could make us better as a group?  Please don’t!  Bring you.  Make us all greater by being greater yourself.  Embrace the strengths and unique talents of yourself and others as part of our collective power.  Our gaps and our strengths combine to make a diverse spectrum of formidable capability that will help us, our companies and our human family become even greater.  

Each one of us has a unique opportunity to make a dent in the universe.  Encourage yourself.  Encourage others and leave a bit of yourself behind at every encounter.  Together, we become even greater. 


“Hear me well on this day… when you are deciding on next jobs, next steps, careers, further education, you would rather find purpose than a job or a career. Purpose crosses disciplines. Purpose is an essential element of you. It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history. Your very existence is wrapped up in the things you are here to fulfill.”  – Chadwick Boseman

A wealthy man in the neighborhood passed away. He was known for his business prowess, cunning frugality and perpetual seclusion.  His neighbors assembled at the funeral, more out of curiosity than acquaintance.  Many were discussing his shrewd business dealings and began to speculate among themselves on the accumulation of his wealth.  Finally, one neighbor approached the minister and asked, “Do you know how much he left?”  The minister looked up at the gathering, smiled sadly and said, “All of it.”

Our book began with our first breath and it will close with our last. What happens between those first and last chapters defines what we leave behind: the epilogue.  It is the sum of what we have done in this life and the mark we have made upon the shelves of history.  So much of life can seem like inconsequential progressions of putting one foot in front of the other.  We are surviving, following and reacting to external forces.  Those narratives leave no permanet mark in our story or on those around us.  What story do we want to leave behind?

What is your mission?   What is your purpose?  I remember being asked those questions many years ago and frankly, I struggled with the answer.  I had fallen into the mechanics of living, breathing, moving, and working, but it was without direction or purpose.  My friend challenged me, write down the statement of your purpose and define your mission.  It was transforming.  I suddenly had a compass and a light to guide my path.  I was writing the script instead of letting the script author me.  Meaning and clarity brought gifts of peace, passion and proactive planning. I knew where I was going and how I could shape the epilogue of my life.

What is your purpose? What do you want to leave behind?  What is the reason you get up each day?  If you haven’t done so already, I challenge you this week to write down your purpose and mission. Make it aspirational. Like mine (see here) it won’t  be perfect and you will tune it over time.  But from your purpose, you will develop your mission and steps that will guide you in your work, family, community, career, faith and leisure.  We don’t get to write our own epilogue but we can shape it.  Invest in eternity, starting today, by pouring yourself into your purpose and be the person you were always meant to be.

Changes Ahead

“These strike me as universal ideas: about fostering risk taking and creativity, about building a culture of trust, about fueling a deep and abiding curiosity in oneself, and inspiring that in the people around you, about embracing change rather than living in denial of it, and about operating always with integrity and honesty in the world even when that means facing things that are difficult to face.”  – Bob Iger

A friend of mine tells a story of his Grandmother who immigrated to the United States.  She had purchased her tickets from Southampton, England to New York City.  Upon arrival to board the ship in 1912, she was shocked to discover that her papers were not in order.  The immigration clerk who manually processed hundreds of papers that day had inadvertently missed stamping some of her documents.  Disappointed that her plans were thwarted, she made her way over to the White Star Line offices to get a refund and book a trip at a later day.  She had been looking forward to boarding the shiny new Olympic class British luxury liner for the 6-day journey to New York.  Instead, she was issued passage on another liner on a different day.  My friend comments that if that clerk had not made the mistake, he may not be here today.  That beautiful new ship that she would not be taking was the RMS Titanic.

I love setting goals and hitting them. I will sometimes ask myself or others to define the desired outcome when I’m unclear of the purpose or intent of the meeting, project or plan.  Once the target is painted, there is a restless emotional drive in me that wants to map out the plan and see it completed.  But change is inevitable.  Doors close and icebergs appear.  When you want to follow your plan, these impediments are frustrating, infuriating and stressful.  Do we keep the course despite all evidence to turn?  To some degree, ignoring the need to change is like continuing to arrange the deck chairs on the Titanic while it is sinking.  We should expect and embrace change in all of our plans.  The very core of the agile methodology says that the journey ahead is full of twists and turns.  Life is a series of sprints, turns and pivots, not a contiguous marathon. 

I confess, I struggle at times with the constant change.  I want to set “full steam ahead” but I’m learning every day to embrace the course corrections and trim settings.  Coronavirus has taught us that plans can change quickly.  Families, businesses, schools, and vacations all have plans and courses to follow, but as we have seen, they can quickly be disrupted and require us to adjust.  Are you facing those troubled and always changing seas right now?  Are you finding yourself unusually restless and frustrated, struggling to adapt?  You are not alone.

These are difficult and challenging times, but life is full of those.  When life places a stop sign, a closed door or an impassable gate before us, plans must change.  Yes, it means change.  But take heart.  It may well be that we have providentially avoided a luxurious journey on a fateful Titanic.  Embrace the turn.  Breathe in the wind of change.  Set a new course and proceed with renewed passion and energy toward the final destination.  Oh, and to be clear, if the past is a forecast for tomorrow, we can predict more changes ahead.  Let’s be ready.