What do you take?

What do you take with you? The emergency broadcast pulse is still echoing across your house. Sleep is heavy in your eyes, but adrenalin is surging. You stare at the screen before you, “Evacuation notice for your area.” You look around. You are surrounded by your loved ones. Your pets stare at you, worried about the panic. Pictures of family and friends long gone decorate your walls. Shelves are full of personal treasures that carry no financial value, but tug at your heart. There are boxes of memories. Cupboards are full of generational keepsakes and dishes. Antiques, artwork, and personal projects are all around you. But what do you take? And what must you leave behind?

The fires that have ravished through the Los Angeles area forced many of us through that difficult decision tree. Our house was 2 miles from the evacuation line when the first notice came through. We have friends, acquittances and co-workers who were evacuated. That includes some of you. Sadly, some have even lost their homes. The raging fires reduced entire neighborhoods, treasures, possession and “normal life” to a pile of ash and empty foundations. There are even some who couldn’t or refused to leave their homes and have perished. It’s heartbreaking! Fires are still raging, and the wind is picking up again. We are still in the fight and must remain vigilant. 

Be prepared. Fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes are all familiar adversaries. They remind us that life is fragile, and, in an instant, everything can change. What matters most to you? I’m incurably nostalgic. I love to pack away souvenirs and surround myself with vestiges of physical memories. I also stockpile too many “just in case” supplies, unused gadgets, marginally needed records and resources. This recent event reminds me of how important people are. Our loved ones, our family, our friends and yes, even our pets. They matter most and are irreplaceable. They far surpass any of our earthly treasures. But given enough time to collect some of those, I bet you, like us, will find yourselves grabbing the well-worn scrapbook or notebook of handwritten family recipes over the thousand-dollar entertainment devices. It’s a beautiful reminder that the biggest treasures in life, may come with no price tag at all. What would you grab? What would you save? What would you leave behind?

My heart goes out to all the people and communities devastated by this fire. I know we are still in the midst of the emergency. Please stay safe! Take care of yourself and your loved ones! 

Image of Los Angeles fire on Jan. 7, 2025 from a plane taking off from Burbank Airport.

A Small World

Several years ago, I had the privilege of meeting the brilliant songwriter Richard Sherman at our Glendale campus. Ironically, I had no idea it was him! We were both late to a meeting and ended up sitting on a couch in the back of the room. We were enjoying a friendly chat when the emcee at the front of the room suddenly announced a special guest speaker. Richard stood up and walked to the front of the room. I blushed, finally realizing who I had been talking to. Richard turned around and looked at me and laughed. He went on to play his beloved songs, including “It’s a Small World (After All).” 

Sadly, Richard is no longer with us. But before his passing he left us with one final gift… a last verse to this iconic song. If you haven’t seen this, I recommend you take some time to watch this right now:

Warning, it may require tissues… at least it did for me.

As we enter this season of love, joy, and peace, this song reminds us that we are all inextricably connected. Sure, in many ways there are differences. We may be separated by some beliefs, ideas, customs, and distances. But we all share laughter, we all share fears. And even in our world of hope, we all shed some tears. Theres more that connects us than divides us. One of the amazing potentials of humans is our ability to connect across vast expanses, to smile, to care for each other, to love and be loved. But it is still our choice. If I may be so bold, when you have the opportunity, choose love. 

As Richard and Robert Sherman would put it, 

“It’s a world of laughter
A world of tear
It’s a world of hopes
And a world of fears
There’s so much that we share
That it’s time we’re aware
It’s a small world after all

There is just one moon
And one golden sun
And a smile means
Friendship to ev’ryone
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It’s a small world after all

Mother earth unites us in heart and mind
And the love we give makes us humankind
Through our vast wonderous land
When we stand hand in hand
It’s a small world after all.”

And yes, that song is probably stuck in your head by now. You’re welcome.

You’ve Got Mail!

“I like warm hugs.” – Olaf

Okay, I’m not talking about AOL, email, or the movie. My inbox would crash a notifier like that with the hundreds of emails I get each day. No, I’m talking about real physical mail. It may look like the mail icon on most email clients, but instead of pixels, it’s real paper. They arrive in the little metal box outside our house. Now, I admit, most of the time that mailbox is full of ads for things we don’t need, extended warrantee renewals for items we don’t own or extremely important open now offers for vacations we don’t want. But every so often, in that pile of nonsense and recycling targets, is a real gem. 

This time of year, envelopes of love wrapped up in memories, reflections and joy start to arrive on a daily basis. Friends, family, and dear acquaintances from long ago reconnect across time and space with a holiday greeting card, an address, and a stamp. Those tiny bundles of care soared across the oceans, over lands, across snow-capped mountains, wandering rivers, and desert valleys, and finally arrived at our home like a warm hug. You know me by now. I get nostalgic and emotional about all these wonderful tiny human touches. They remind us that we are all related, connected, remembered, and loved. They are small things, but they mean so much.

I love sending holiday cards too! We make it a family event. My wife spends time pulling together photos she wants to use and with my daughter’s help, designs and sends them off for printing. My daughters label all the envelopes, so they are ready to go. After work, I take time to stuff each one, thinking about every person and family that will receive it. Memories fold into every envelope. Concern, love, and hopeful wishes accompany every stamp placed. Off they go on their journey to our friends and family, along with our love, hopes and prayers.

This time of year can be busy. The lists are non-stop. Shopping, planning, mailing, volunteering, cleaning, hanging, cooking, and traveling… all those activities spin up in our lives and can even overwhelm us. I must remind myself to add to that list, resting, remembering, and reflecting. We are surrounded by so much beauty, so many precious connections with people, moments of joy and instants of delight. But they are fleeting. Don’t let them soar away without your attention. Snuggle up next to them. Wrap your mind around their short but precious existence. Soak in every connection, every person you encounter and every moment you live. We won’t walk this way again. Tomorrow is coming and it will be glorious, but don’t miss the chance to savor today. Treasure your loved ones and every moment you have with them now and throughout this holiday season.

May this season bring you love, joy, peace, and of course, a warm holiday hug!

Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving

Last week, as I drove down Wiley Canyon Road on the way to work, I got goosebumps. It was windy and cold but the canopy of trees that bridge the sky had exploded in full fall festival. Warm yellows, firecracker reds, and glowing browns adorned the heavenly landscape. Wisps of wind carried retired leaves across my windshield, delicately drifting down to speckle the gray pavement and manicured lawns with their delightful autumn palette. Fall is here, embracing us with its colors and cool kiss. 

Thursday is Thanksgiving! That means the seasonal activities are in full swing. My son is flying home this year, and we are hosting my nephew and his family for the Thanksgiving feast. We are busy buying the fixings, cleaning up the house and stocking the woodpile for the cold winter nights. I’m ready for the family time, puzzle time, play time and even quiet time. They are on their way. But around all of that, is a time for giving thanks. It’s a great time to pause and reflect on all that the year has given us and be grateful. It is a time to appreciate and recognize our blessings, the help from others, the joy, the experiences, the accomplishments, and the learnings.

Look, I get it. It’s hard to be thankful when things don’t seem to be going right, when we are disappointed, when we get bad news, face hard issues, difficult relationships or dreams unfulfilled. I know that. I understand the challenges and losses that often come our way. But can I encourage you today to swim around in the soup of all the things this past year handed you and look for that golden nugget of goodness that came your way? Maybe it was a kind word, an enjoyable discovery, or a peaceful moment. I suspect you have something. Hold it in your hand right now. That is yours, my friend. It belongs to you. Don’t let it escape! Hold it tight and let its joy wash over you. Appreciate it. Savor it. Smile! Let your gratitude build and radiate from you, changing your world and the world around you, one happy thankful thought at a time. 

I want you to know, I appreciate you! Thank you for reading this today. Thank you for making this year so enjoyable and interesting. We dreamed, we planned, we accomplished much… and there’s much more to come!

Happy Thanksgiving!

2024 Vote and Seasonal Decor

I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to getting past US election Tuesday so my cell phone can get a break from the texts and telemarketers, and we can get on to being flooded with black Friday ads instead. It does occur to me that it would be extremely hard to forget to vote with all the media channels blasting reminders to us. I love how the State of California even sends out notices, including step by step “your ballot is in the mail to you” to “your ballot has been counted” updates. They have better ballot tracking updates than Amazon does for shipping! Anyway, if you are a US citizen, do democracy a solid and make sure you vote.

Trees and lights! Our annual ritual begins. I know, you probably complain about the way-too-soon sprouting of Christmas trees next to the Halloween decor at your local retailer. I laugh about it myself, but I confess, we religiously open the attic on November 1st to unleash the holiday cheer for our home too. Down comes the tree boxes. Plastic bins packed with lights, ornaments, greenery, golden treasures, and silver bells all parade down the steps to the main hall. Popping sounds are heard across the house as the boxes unleash their seasonal joy. Bing Crosby, Nat King Cole, and Michael Bublé paint the air with their familiar festive vocals. The Keurig sets aside the coffee pods and begins churning out hot chocolate, heavy on the chocolate. Slowly the scent of jubilation can be felt everywhere!

Pass me the ibuprofen! This weekend I strung the lights on the house, across the back woods and onto the fence. It takes a solid day and about a week to recover. I’m pretty much a wimp. Lifting, wrapping, hanging, draping, and zip-tying all that specular magic in place pushed me past my regular “I can push the J key” hard work. But oh my goodness, as night fell last night, our yard erupted once again with the multi-color sparkling madness that is the seasonal decor. That’s right! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I’m sure our neighbors love us.

The holiday season can be stressful. We have so much we want to do. There are things to buy, people to see, tasks to get done. But don’t lose sight of the joy! If you feel overwhelmed or anxious, pause and reflect. The miracle of merriment presents itself when we get a chance to enjoy our labors, savor the beauty around us and spend time with the ones we love. So, yes, if you are crazy like us, pull down those boxes. Hang up the delightful decor. Cuddle up next to some cozy memories. Reminisce and appreciate the season. Share time with your loved ones… oh yes, and vote.

Be a Danny

Last Wednesday was my brother’s birthday. Well, technically he was really my stepbrother-in-law. While Danny was 15 years older than me and didn’t enter my life until I was almost a teen, I was proud to call him my older brother. He was a technical wizard. He introduced me to electronics, taught me how to solder, program and troubleshoot. I spent a few summers with him installing large HVAC systems in aerospace manufacturing plants. We built computers, framed houses, repaired cars, ran network cables, and even built an automated furnace control system using a PC and a game controller for the local glass plant (no joke!). Danny was more than a brother. He was a mentor. He took projects and took off work, just so he could spend time with me and teach me.

Eight years ago, we took Danny to Disneyland along with my sister, niece, and her family. We had a great time, but Danny grew tired quickly. We initially got him a scooter to ride, but he was too proud to use it at first. Eventually, the exhaustion won, he gave me his signature eye roll grimace and rested himself on the seat. The recently diagnosed cancer was wearing on him. He looked good and told me that he even felt good too, but the fatigue was overwhelming. My big brother was always active, always a helper. It was hard to see him succumb to the illness that was invading his body. We made wonderful memories that October, exploring the parks, laughing, reminiscing, and spending time together. Little did I know that it would be our last time. The cancer would soon take over. He would no longer be able to travel and all too soon, his body would give out.

I miss Danny, but I’m grateful for all the happy memories, the fun times and even the work times. He blessed me with his time, his talents, his wisdom, and his love. Our friends and family that surround us, shape us. They propel us, lift us up when we are down, and challenge us when we are behind. A light nudge. A lesson given. A sympathetic hug. They show us new things and remind us to cherish the old. Those small investments become the brick and mortar of our lives. We thrive because they cared. Danny was that for me. I’m forever grateful for his life, his impact, and the time we shared.

Who is your Danny? I suspect there is someone who has been a big impact in your life as well. If they are still with us, thank them. If like Danny, they have graduated from life, remember them. You don’t need to wait for Día de Muertos, you can start today. Pay respect, cherish, and celebrate their life and the blessing they were to you. And most of all, look for the opportunity for you to be a Danny to someone else. Pay if forward. Pour your time into others around you. We need you! Friends and family need you. You can make a difference in someone else. The time we have is short and precious. Don’t wait! Invest and create those memories today.

1984 – This was shortly after we met for the first time. I was 13 and eager to learn from my older brother.
Danny and Jason, 2004
Jason and Danny enjoying Disneyland on Oct. 19, 2016. This would be the last time we would spend together before his passing on December 3rd.

Prepare for Turbulence

Turbulence. Frequent flyers can tell you tales about sudden and unpredictable changes in air pressure and airspeed that caused the aircraft to shake, wobble, or drop unexpectedly. I’ve been on many flights like that. When the turbulence hits, passengers will gasp, yelp, or add other colorful commentary to the situation. I just laugh or cry uncontrollably like I’m on the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland. 

In December 2022, Southwest Airlines hit serious turbulence. But this time, it wasn’t just in the air. The crisis was at the peak of the holiday travel season and is referred to in the news media as the Southwest Airlines holiday travel meltdown. What had gone wrong? Severe weather had resulted in some of the first flight cancellations. That meant planes, pilots and crews were not where they needed to be. The software systems Southwest used to track all of that was woefully outdated and was unable to respond to the weather disruptions and massive holiday travel load. Flights were getting delayed or canceled due to business process problems, missing aircraft, or missing crew members. It continued to spiral down. Their technology couldn’t handle the fluid turbulence of rapidly deteriorating conditions. Eventually, the carrier was forced to cancel more than 15,000 flights. Passengers and crew members alike were stranded, frustrated and furious.

Turbulence leads to learning. Last week in Las Vegas, Lauren Woods, CIO of Southwest Airlines, took the stage in front of a crowd of technology leaders at the Enterprise Technology Leadership Summit. She explained how the meltdown was the result of antiquated systems and processes. They were too slow and never designed to handle this level of change. But navigating turbulence forces you to learn and grow. They streamlined their business processes, insourced their IT and migrated their systems to the cloud, leveraging a serverless multi-regional highly resilient approach to build their new fare search, airline, and crew scheduling systems. They saw a 400% speed improvement over their previous solution. The crew scheduling system was replaced with a new tool with advance algorithms and specific capabilities to manage disaster scenarios and quickly adapt to scheduling turbulence. It could quickly track and optimize flights, planes, and crews. They called this new tool, Crew and Aircraft Integrated Recovery and Optimizer (CAIRO). The result? When recent turbulent moments hit, their system was able to respond quickly, adjust to unexpected conditions and ultimately deliver their passengers and crews to their rightful destinations. Southwest now has the lowest cancelation rate of any airline, thanks to this investment.

Turbulence happens. Are we ready for it? What is going to shake up our cabin and disrupt our businesses? Whatever it is, we need to prepare for it. That means investing time and resources into making our process and systems more reliable, resilient, and ready. Are we ready? Where do we have opportunities for improvement? Let’s talk… before the turbulence hits. It’s time to fasten our seatbelts and prepare for takeoff.

Have a safe flight!

A Blueprint of Encouragement

The floor creaked when I walked into the foyer. Above me hung an old gas lamp that had been converted to electricity. The spirt of the flames cast warm pools of light on the old wooden floor. I glanced to my right and saw a row of desks and an executive office suite tucked away in the corner. A familiar laugh burst through the door, along with my dad. “Jay-boy!” He exclaimed. Enduring, but slightly embarrassing, especially for an eleven-year-old. His long arms wrapped me in a bear hug way. “Let’s get you set up!” He led me around the staircase, past the kitchen area to a door that plunged down into the basement. It was lit with overhead office florescent fixtures, but the dark walls seem to absorb all the light like a cave. We walked around the corner to a small room with a huge machine that took up the width of the room. 

My dad flipped an electrical switch, and the beast came to life with an intimidating hum. Big hidden fans started quietly whistling and winding up like a jet engine. My dad got busy twisting knobs, adjusting metal shields, and moving across the metal monster like he was playing an instrument. “Here we go!” He twisted a metal valve. What was that? My wonder was soon removed as the answer came to me like a punch in a face. Ammonia! My eyes started watering immediately and I coughed. My dad burst out laughing. “You’ll get used to it! Help me with this.” He directed me to the metal drawer and pulled open a black plastic package. He pulled out a large sheet of paper that had a faint yellow tint all over it. 

“Here, align this drawing on top of the yellow paper.” He instructed as he put a translucent engineering mylar drawing over the top of the paper. “Make sure it is perfectly aligned and then feed it into the light roller here.” I noticed that the machine was starting to glow. It seemed to have a blue tint. I could feel the heat radiating from the clear glass cylinder. I followed my dad’s direction, aligned the sheets, and fed them into the machine. It rolled up and over and appeared in the tray just above the light. 

“Notice how the yellow is gone where there was no line work.” It was true! The light had burned off the yellow. He continued, “Feed the yellow paper into the developer. Keep it tight against the conveyor belt.” We curled the once yellow paper into the top part of the monster. It took its time but finally started feeding out into the top tray. The ammonia round-two hit me again. I’m pretty sure I had tears coming down my face by now, but I couldn’t stop looking! The paper was full of blue lines. “See, that’s the blueprint. That wasn’t too bad, was it?” My dad asked, ignoring my gasping and wincing from the smell. “I need to go back upstairs to make some calls. Run the rest of the prints for me.” He started walking out of the room and glanced back at me. I must have had my mouth open because he burst into his signature laugh. “You can do it! I know you can. I’ll be upstairs if you need help.”

Now it was just me and the ammonia dragon. I shook my head and half-heartedly encouraged myself, “That’s right, you can do it, Jay-boy.” Well, it turned out not to be that difficult. I managed to get all the prints he needed and would subsequently run hundreds, no, thousands of prints on that machine over the years. It was magical every time, or maybe it was just the ammonia.

That metal dragon retired many years ago. That old office house is gone, demolished to make room for a new highway. My dad is gone too. I miss him but will forever remember his trust in me. “You can do it, Jay-boy.” It was fuel to face the ammonia behemoth at the time, but more importantly, it taught me the power of encouragement.

Have you encouraged someone else recently? I need to do more of that. We can all use some encouragement and so can those around us. Take a moment today and think about someone you know, a team member, a loved one, or a friend. Encourage them. I know you can do it, and hopefully you can do it without ammonia. 

Have a great week!

The Enchanted Stream

It was like liquid ice. I could feel the cool stream forming swirly eddies on my face, bubbling and kissing my cheeks with each frosty splash. As I lowered my head deeper below the surface, I could feel watery fingers tug and pull at my hair. It was floating and waving in the cool liquid bliss. The gentle flow saturated my senses. I could only hear the water. All other sounds were gone. I could only feel the river. The cool flow and majestic rocks pressed up against me. My soul was transported. In that moment, I felt myself flying beyond the glassy surface to a magical portal of serenity and peace.

There’s a quaint little bridge in Sligachan on the Isle of Skye. Below the ancient stone walkway flows a tiny crystal-clear stream. It’s fed by the nearby emerald-green mountains that are continually washed by the highland’s life-giving foggy mist. Nestled deeply in the delightful Scottish scene is a mystical lore and an enchanted legend that welcomes visitors to this very day.

Nobody was quite like Scáthach. She lived on Skye and was known as the greatest warrior in all of Scotland. Her renown spread to Ireland and landed on the ambitious ears of Cú Chulainn, Ireland’s greatest fighter. He challenged Scáthach to a battle to prove his own strength. The epic battle raged for weeks, reshaping Skye, moving mountains, and carving new valleys. Animals and life itself began to leave the Isle.

Scáthach’s daughter was heartbroken and weary of the war. She fled to the stream at Sligachan and began to weep. The fairies of the river heard her and beckoned her to dunk her face into the stream to gain knowledge to end the war. As she did, the fairies blessed her with wisdom. She rose and set on a journey to gather herbs, meats, nuts, and every delicious thing she could. With that she prepared an incredible meal in her home. The scent of the meal covered the land, melting the hearts of the fighting warriors. Scáthach and Cú Chulainn couldn’t resist. They made their way to Scáthach’s home and feasted on an incredible meal. By eating in Scáthach’s home, Cú Chulainn became a welcome guest and in the rules of Celtic hospitality, you can never fight someone who has hosted you for dinner. Ever. The battle ended, but the river of Sligachan would forever be disturbed. As the myth goes, the stream would forever be enchanted and bless all who dip their face in its cool watery portal with endless wisdom and beauty.

As we concluded our tour through the Isle of Skye, we ended up at this charming stream and story of Scáthach. Our guide told us the story and welcomed us to connect with the legend if we desired. It was optional, but I wasn’t going to skip the moment. All fanciful myths aside, the scene was spectacular and the opportunity to immerse myself physically into a fantastic story was too irresistible and refreshing to miss. The cool water. The crisp air. The unbelievable highlands captured our hearts and escorted us into the Scottish tale. My family and I still remember that moment. That beautiful stream we touched let us leave the battlefield of this busy earth behind and transported us to a vital and peaceful land with the ones we love.

We don’t need a stream in Sligachan or a story of the famous Scáthach to pause the daily battles and enjoy eternal beauty. We can do it right now. For a moment, dip your face into the serenity of the now. Take a moment and experience the wonders around you. Appreciate the crisp life that is powering your every breath. Soak in the magic of creation and be renewed even today. And don’t worry if you never make it to Skye to see this tiny little stream. I think all of you are already eternally beautiful.

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

“Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.”

Where I grew up, elementary school was grades 1 through 6 and when you graduated from 6th grade, you were promoted to Junior High school. For the first time in your educational career, you were introduced to the responsibility of managing your class schedules, electives, and hallway lockers. Do you recall those days? At thirteen years of age, uncoordinated, unpopular, timid, and slightly attention challenged, it was often a recipe for disaster for me. But I somehow managed. I even signed up for my electives. I picked journalism because they got to use a computer, but beyond that, I had no idea what to pick. I rolled the dice and signed up for band. 

I decided to try the trumpet as my instrument. As with every member, we were given special attention by the instructor. We began practicing on day one and it was a sonic disaster. Squawks, buzzes, squeaks, and raspy rattles were heard across the auditorium. I questioned my decision more than once but kept practicing along with my peers. With our instructors help, we finally began to learn proper posture, embouchure, breathing and finger placement. Like some sort of miracle, after a while, real notes started to appear. We were no way close to competing with Louis Armstrong, but we could really blast “Mary Had a Little Lamb” and “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” like nobody’s business. 

I recall how we all thought we had move up into the major leagues when we hit almost every note and occasionally even had the timing right. Some notes were extra special. They require a bit more skill to hit so when you finally did, you liked to hold it a bit longer, perhaps too long. With a help of a metronome, we eventually moved past the “finally got it so hold it” tendency. The trumpet concerto finally had those stars twinkling. 

The band teacher assembled everyone together. We had been practicing and performing separately but now it was time to play together. Our trumpet section joined the flutes, clarinets, trombones, saxophones, and percussion. The entire band came together and was ready to perform.

Have you ever been in a car accident? There is a weird feeling where all control is pulled away from you and the world boils in chaos all around you. Well, that is how it was when we first started playing together. It was awful! We were all blindly playing through the notes on the sheet music in front of us, unaware of being out of sync and out of tune with everyone else. 

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” the instructor tried to wrangle the stampede. “Let’s start slow. Hold each note until I tell you to move on. Watch me!” The conductor raised his baton, and, on the downstroke, the room erupted in the “Mary” note. It started rough but as we held it, something amazing happened. We finally heard each other for the first time. It was actually quite remarkable. The instructor smiled. Seeing us each awaken to this new connection he moved on to the next stroke, “had”, then “a” and the double beat “little.” When we finally reached “go” there was a bit of awe in the room, and we were even a bit emotional. We had done it! It was no Concerto Magnifico, but it had unlocked a key lesson in life. Paying attention and listening to each other would allow us to make beautiful music together. 

We all have a part to play. We carry different instruments in life. We each have unique abilities, talents, passions, and perspective. Something incredible happens when we come together, listen to each other, and focus on a common outcome. Our individual notes become a chorus, resonating, and amplifying each other into something that we could never achieve on our own. Individually, we are all amazing wonders, but together, we are magnificent, like a diamond in the sky!

Play your notes with all your heart! But listen. Connect. Feel the majesty of what we can be together. Let’s keep playing!