You’ve Got Mail!

“I like warm hugs.” – Olaf

Okay, I’m not talking about AOL, email, or the movie. My inbox would crash a notifier like that with the hundreds of emails I get each day. No, I’m talking about real physical mail. It may look like the mail icon on most email clients, but instead of pixels, it’s real paper. They arrive in the little metal box outside our house. Now, I admit, most of the time that mailbox is full of ads for things we don’t need, extended warrantee renewals for items we don’t own or extremely important open now offers for vacations we don’t want. But every so often, in that pile of nonsense and recycling targets, is a real gem. 

This time of year, envelopes of love wrapped up in memories, reflections and joy start to arrive on a daily basis. Friends, family, and dear acquaintances from long ago reconnect across time and space with a holiday greeting card, an address, and a stamp. Those tiny bundles of care soared across the oceans, over lands, across snow-capped mountains, wandering rivers, and desert valleys, and finally arrived at our home like a warm hug. You know me by now. I get nostalgic and emotional about all these wonderful tiny human touches. They remind us that we are all related, connected, remembered, and loved. They are small things, but they mean so much.

I love sending holiday cards too! We make it a family event. My wife spends time pulling together photos she wants to use and with my daughter’s help, designs and sends them off for printing. My daughters label all the envelopes, so they are ready to go. After work, I take time to stuff each one, thinking about every person and family that will receive it. Memories fold into every envelope. Concern, love, and hopeful wishes accompany every stamp placed. Off they go on their journey to our friends and family, along with our love, hopes and prayers.

This time of year can be busy. The lists are non-stop. Shopping, planning, mailing, volunteering, cleaning, hanging, cooking, and traveling… all those activities spin up in our lives and can even overwhelm us. I must remind myself to add to that list, resting, remembering, and reflecting. We are surrounded by so much beauty, so many precious connections with people, moments of joy and instants of delight. But they are fleeting. Don’t let them soar away without your attention. Snuggle up next to them. Wrap your mind around their short but precious existence. Soak in every connection, every person you encounter and every moment you live. We won’t walk this way again. Tomorrow is coming and it will be glorious, but don’t miss the chance to savor today. Treasure your loved ones and every moment you have with them now and throughout this holiday season.

May this season bring you love, joy, peace, and of course, a warm holiday hug!