Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving

Last week, as I drove down Wiley Canyon Road on the way to work, I got goosebumps. It was windy and cold but the canopy of trees that bridge the sky had exploded in full fall festival. Warm yellows, firecracker reds, and glowing browns adorned the heavenly landscape. Wisps of wind carried retired leaves across my windshield, delicately drifting down to speckle the gray pavement and manicured lawns with their delightful autumn palette. Fall is here, embracing us with its colors and cool kiss. 

Thursday is Thanksgiving! That means the seasonal activities are in full swing. My son is flying home this year, and we are hosting my nephew and his family for the Thanksgiving feast. We are busy buying the fixings, cleaning up the house and stocking the woodpile for the cold winter nights. I’m ready for the family time, puzzle time, play time and even quiet time. They are on their way. But around all of that, is a time for giving thanks. It’s a great time to pause and reflect on all that the year has given us and be grateful. It is a time to appreciate and recognize our blessings, the help from others, the joy, the experiences, the accomplishments, and the learnings.

Look, I get it. It’s hard to be thankful when things don’t seem to be going right, when we are disappointed, when we get bad news, face hard issues, difficult relationships or dreams unfulfilled. I know that. I understand the challenges and losses that often come our way. But can I encourage you today to swim around in the soup of all the things this past year handed you and look for that golden nugget of goodness that came your way? Maybe it was a kind word, an enjoyable discovery, or a peaceful moment. I suspect you have something. Hold it in your hand right now. That is yours, my friend. It belongs to you. Don’t let it escape! Hold it tight and let its joy wash over you. Appreciate it. Savor it. Smile! Let your gratitude build and radiate from you, changing your world and the world around you, one happy thankful thought at a time. 

I want you to know, I appreciate you! Thank you for reading this today. Thank you for making this year so enjoyable and interesting. We dreamed, we planned, we accomplished much… and there’s much more to come!

Happy Thanksgiving!