
Joy. It’s a great thing! But do you feel it right now? Has it been in short supply? Well, I confess, there are times when life seems rather joyless and barren. But maybe it’s time for a change. What do you say, ready to find some joy?

Joy is an amazing emotion. It gives us a sense of happiness, contentment, well-being, and wonder. It has a positive healing effect, connecting us to optimistic outcomes, bridging us over stressful difficulties, binding us to each other and unleashing wells of creative potential hidden deep within us.

Joy is highly contagious. Just watch when a joyful person enters the room. A sense of lightness and fun starts to emerge. A smile might even sneak its way across your face and onto others in the room. Eyes will start to beam with glee and hope. Joy arrives and profoundly motivates us. It gives us a sense of flow, meaning and awe. Studies have even shown that joy is linked to improved physical and mental health. It can help lower blood pressure, boost our immune system, and reduce anxiety and depression. We need joy.

Good news! Joy is close at hand. But it is a choice, our choice. How do we choose? It has been my experience that joy is released when I celebrate gratitude and reflect on the myriads of good things that illuminate my day, no matter how small. Joy visits when I take time to pursue my passions or surround myself with true and positive friends. It surges into my soul when I grab hold of the present moment, breathe in the atmosphere, and feel the magnificent earth pushing up and supporting me. Worry, problems and despair take their seats in the back of the room as joy makes its brilliant presence known. It is light. It rescues us from the darkness and transports us a land of hopeful delight.

It’s time to get some joy. Take matters into your own hands. Tune in. Like and subscribe to joy. You will be glad you did.